Thursday, April 12, 2007

The puppy

I just got back from West Virginia. We took "M" home yesterday after she visited us for spring break. This is my 16 year old stepdaughter. In five days is the hearing where she will be put in her dad's custody. She could have just stayed here and started school here and picked up right where she is in school, but just to be a creep...her mom made her stay there. Really she is trying to keep "M" there for six more weeks in order to collect an extra month of child support on her and this is worth more to her than letting "M" get started in school.
We did bring "M's" puppy home, though. He is a ten week old pit mix. Imelda told us that she suspected that "Farley" the pit mix has kennel cough since he was coughing. We took him to the vet today and he doesn't have kennel cough. He has an irritated trachea because somebody at Imelda's house (most likely her lazy idiot husband) has tried to choke Farley. Nice.
When we dropped off "M" there were several of the vagrants that live in the house out on the porch. They are all over 19 years old, have no jobs, smoke dope, pierce their bodies, you name it. They all live there, doing drugs, and acting like trash. Of course, my husband's 13 year old daughter, "T" is living there with all this going on and his son, "B" is partaking in all the debauchery. One vagrant even posted on the internet a naked picture of himself in "T"'s bed with his genitals covered with one of her stuffed animals. Of course child protective services didn't care.
After the animal abuse, drug usage in the house, several bouts with lice and a note decribing the 13 year old's last sexual experience...we're wondering where to turn after several calls to authorities with not even a hint of investigation. What the hell is going on here? Why is this acceptable? Why isn't Imelda in jail?
We don't know what to do. Where will these kids end up? They are all flunking school (the ones that live with mom). They are being molested, drugged, lied to, used, held back, and degraded and they have the state of West Virginia's blessing in it all. Sick.

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