Monday, April 23, 2007

A small victory

Well, my husband had his court hearing. It went quite well. We didn't have to go to Appalachia after all. He was able to appear via phone with his attorney appearing in person. Child support was minimal, custody of "M" was given to her dad. Imelda will now have to pay medical costs. This was a good day. We will actually be able to afford to buy things for the kids that live with their mother since we won't be writing her a big check. We have found in the past that writing her a big child support leads to nothing for the children. She gets vacations, computers, and gaming systems while the kids run around in ill fitting clothing, shoes that are too small, and lice. Oh...and the electricity gets shut off so she can instead pay for things like wedding cakes.
I'm ready for this semester to be over. I need a break from writing papers!
My dog is in kidney failure and I'm coming to grips with her mortality. What will I do without my chocolate lab? I am afraid that the empty space will swallow me up. She is feeling pretty bad these days....I will let her go when she's ready.
I must make this short today. I have green beans to plant.

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